
Buy Raw Cocoa Beans


Price: on request ⃰

Our cocoa beans are sourced from Central and South America with each origin offering a unique flavor profile. By offering the whole cocoa beans, We allow our customers flexibility and creativity in their processing, to create their own unique taste.

 ⃰ Pricing is not published on our website, due to daily market-based changes and differing pricing structures for spot and contracted orders.


Food of the Gods

Row Cocoa Beans


The beans are obtained from cocoa trees and are properly fermented. It goes through processes of cleaning, drying and selection. Our cacao beans remain unroasted - just sun-dried, keeping them raw from start to finish. When you taste an unroasted cacao bean, you will notice a characteristic fermented aroma and flavor, assuring you the presence of optimal levels of heat sensitive healthful nutrients.

Cocoa Beans -- Health Benefits


Cacao beans is believed to contain high amounts of antioxidants such as flavonoids, and many other nutrients and minerals. The list of cacao’s acclaimed health benefits is lengthy and includes anti-inflammatory and heart-protective properties, increased energy, fighting chronic fatigue, anti-aging, and appetite-suppressing properties, improved kidney and cognitive functions, and more. No surprise the Incas considered cacao to the “food of the gods” which gave rise to the scientific name of the cacao tree Theobroma cacao.

Organic Pleasure Foods Row Cocoa Beans

Contact our sales department for further information

Organic Pleasure Foods can support your business with a wide range of private label options in terms of product development, branding and packaging.  Together we can develop superior cocoa products, tailored for your market.



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